Laboratory Facilities:

Laboratory Name Equipment Particulars
Highway & Traffic Engineering


Crushing value of aggregate apparatus
Impact value of aggregate test apparatus
Ductility value of bitumen test apparatus
Flankness index & elongation index test apparatus
Flash & fire point test of bitumen test apparatus
Loss angles abrastion value of aggregate apparatus
Marshall stability test apparatus
Penetration test of bitumen test apparatus
softening point of bitumen test apparatus
Stripping value of aggregate test apparatus
Structural engineering Lab Column buckling appratus
Elastic properties of deflected beam apparatus
Truss appratus
Clark maxwell reciprocal appratus
Moment area theorem apparatus
three hinged arch apparatus
two hinged arch apparatus
Rebound hammer
Ultrasonic pulse velocity tester
Portal frame apparatus
Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering Lab BOD apparatus
COD apparatus
Jar test apparatus
DO Meter
PH Meter
Turbidity Meter
Surveying Lab Chain(30mt)
Ranging rod (heavy)
Ranging rod (lite)
Prismatic compass with Tripod stand
Plane table with all accessories
Levelling staff in five folds (5mt)
Transit theodolite with tripod stand
Dumpy level
Design of concrete structure and material testing Lab Slump cone
Metal plate
Tamping rod
Compaction factor apparatus
Flow table apparatus
cube mould
Concrete mixer
Compression testing machine
Cylindrical mould
Split tensile strength testing machine
Flexural strength testing machine
steel prism mould (100*100*500mm)
Steel prism mould
Air permeability apparatus
Vicat test apparatus
Geo Technical Engineering & Advanced Geo Technical Engineering LAB Motorized sieve shaker
Liquid limit Device
plastic limit device
shrinkage limit device
core cutter with dolly
sand pouring cylinder
Proctor compaction test device
Relative density apparatus
Direct shear test apparatus
Triaxial compression test apparatus
Unconfined compression test apparatus


Vane shear test device
Consolidation test apparatus
CBR test apparatus
Soil permeability test apparatus
Electric stirrer
Water bath
Standard penetration test
Cone penetration test