PEO1: To make management graduates conceptualize, critically analyze and acquire In-depth knowledge of business and management by imbibing in them the unique ability of synthesizing knowledge towards adding value in the areas of business and management.

PEO2: To promote lateral thinking by way of enabling management graduates to see at the things from different perspectives there by making them to come out with simple solutions for complex managerial problems.

PEO3: To inculcate a spirit of enquiry, so that Management Graduates search for facts and truths by developing methodologies that supports critical analysis and decision making.

PEO4: To ignite the passion for Entrepreneurship in Management graduates by orienting them in the application of Modern tools of management and make them learn to select and apply in complex decision making processes.

PEO5: To inculcate a spirit of Ethics and Social Commitment in the personal and professional life of management graduates so that they add value to the society.